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söndag 20 november 2011


hey all   Hannah´s readers its danika! we`re just listening to Teach me How to Dougie!! I was taught the swedish song Gubben i Läden or how ever you spell that song name ! it super chill and all you sweds get ready because i know all the lyrics.  anyways we`ve just finished eating dinner and like always we both ate to much and we are getting fatter by the day.  we had some amazing cake but now i feel so fat.  i think hannah has probably gained like 50 pounds scince she came here because elanor just keeps spoiling her so i have probably gained like 40 pounds because i spend so much time with her!  Even though we just ate, Hannah wants to pig out! (but so do i so its ok).  hannah hasn´t showered in three days so i can´t really concentrate because she stinks ! peeyou.  The heater where we are staying is broken so right now me and Hannah are freezing our asses off in our bedroom!! well toodles time to go party ... or something .
ps. doesnt hannah look stunning.

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Här kan ni yttra er om ni så behagar. Det vore ganska trevligt måste jag säga.